“I grew up in Genoa, NE where there weren’t many jobs for High School aged kids, so when I was asked if I would be interested in working at the Napa Auto Parts store on Saturday’s, I jumped at it, despite the fact I knew nothing about cars, engines, tractors or the like, which I openly shared. This part time job taught me a lot of skills that I have used throughout my lifetime and career because most people, did not come into Napa happy about the fact that their car or tractor broke down, so I had to learn how to communicate to upset customers and make them feel better about the situation. The job also helped me to fine tune my problem-solving skills, often taking sketchy details from the customer in order to find the correct part. ‘I think it came out of a 1976 or 1979 Chevy or Buick, you know the one with the big thing on the back bumper.’
While I look the part of a former football player, I do not look like a former state runner up in the state poetry contest. As a result of that accomplishment, as a Junior in High School, I got to meet the State Poet of Nebraska, William Kloefkorn. He probably thought I should stick with football. 😊”
“The movie ‘Saving Private Ryan’ and the HBO Series ‘Band of Brothers’ both really inspire me and make me appreciate the sacrifice that the young men of the WWII generation made for our country. It feels off to even call them men when you really consider their age. My grandpa landed on Normandy beach the day after D-Day and drove a tank throughout Europe as part of the 11th Battalion, surviving despite being shot on two different occasions. He was 19. “
“It would be to write short concise answers to your questions. Ha, you wish! I think I would like to be an ER surgeon. I can’t think of a role or skill where you could more directly help people than to potentially save people’s lives every day”
“I think back to my freshman year in college, when I had a really good time my first semester majoring in football and partying. As a result, my grades were way below where they needed to be. At break, I was at risk of losing my scholarship, I realized I didn’t know how to study and I had no money. My grandparents, the same grandpa that was in WWII, sent me a letter of encouragement and reminded me that true character is defined by what you do when no one is looking. They have forever been looking over me as a guiding force.”