Meet Frank

The People’s Cat


Frank is the undisputed star of Center for People.

He takes his role as the chief attention seeker very seriously. He’s always sure to welcome learners into our building every morning, before heading off for his first of many naps for the day. If he’s not snoozing in Lindsey or Kyle’s office, he’s probably making friends in the computer lab or at the front desk. He has a lot of friends. Ignore him at your own risk, as he may knock your cup of water onto the floor if his need for attention isn’t met. We love having Frank around, and so does our community.

What’s a fun or interesting fact about you that most people wouldn’t guess?

“I do actually speak several languages, though not very well. Most people don’t fully understand what I’m saying most of the time.”

What’s a book, movie, or song that inspires you and why?

“I would say the new “Puss in Boots” movie is a personal favorite, though admittedly that may just be because I love Antonio Banderas.”

If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be and how would you use it?

“I wish I was more agile, that way I could finally catch the little red laser outside Lindsey’s office. I battle with it every morning, and it always escapes me.”

When faced with hard times, what was the best advice you received or the biggest lessons you learned?

“I’ve found that when life isn’t going my way, I can usually just meow louder or knock something over, and then I’ll usually get what I want.”

Contact Frank:

Frank is actually napping right now, so it’s probably best not to bother him.