Meet Jon

Board Member

What’s a fun or interesting fact about you that most people wouldn’t guess?

“Born and Raised in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I attended UNL and studied criminal justice and communication studies. I graduated from UNL College of Law in 2001. The most interesting summer job when I was in college was working at a fireworks factory.

I won the city championship for rope climbing for my grade level when I was in grade school. Still hard to believe they let us climb to the ceiling of the gym with only a flat hard mat to protect us if we fell.”

What’s a book, movie, or song that inspires you and why?

“All jobs have levels of stress. When I am working form home I listen to a lot of relaxing music. It is very uplifting. My current favorite song is The Tribute/Agnus Dei by Michael W. Smith. “

If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be and how would you use it?

“If I could instantly master playing the piano I think I would have hours of enjoyment from that skill. I think everyone likes to hear some good piano playing so that would be fun.”

When faced with hard times, what was the best advice you received or the biggest lessons you learned?

“Doing mainly criminal defense and family law, there are plenty of ups and downs, stressful times. I give a lot of advice. Hopefully the thousands of people I have worked with could recall some of that if they were asked. The best advice I have been given is to be honest. Our reputation is our only currency. If we are not honest, we are nothing. “