Diapers for Lincoln's littlest residents at the

People's Pantry

Not having enough diapers puts a baby’s health at risk, and baby diapers are expensive! On top of that, most daycares won’t take children without a sufficient supply of disposable diapers.  

We can help.

Eligible parents can collect diapers for infants through 36 months during regular People’s Pantry hours.

New days and times!

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.
  • Friday – Closed.


Follow the signs to the South side of the building.

All participants must have a Clarity Card.




Diapers? Covered!

“Diapers are expensive, and our little guy goes through a LOT of them. Being able to get some diapers from the Center every month really helps.


Ron and Sarah

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