
Scraping By to Good Life

“Thanks to the POP scholarship program, I went from scraping by to providing a good life for my son, Xavier. My new career as a surgical tech has steady hours, a good salary, paid time off and full benefits.



Strength through ELL

“I never thought that I could communicate as I do now. I am stronger than I thought, and I discovered all of my strengths through the ELL classes.

Ayako, ELL student

Healthier and Happier

“Val and I were skipping meals to keep the kids fed, and even then sometimes we still didn’t have enough.

Justin and Valerie

Healthy Meals

We come to the Center a couple of times a month to make sure we have enough food. Thank you.

George and Kathy, food clients

Opening Doors

“The first week I was kind of timid and shy, I didn’t want to come out of my shell. The Opening Doors staff, they made it comfortable and made me feel like somebody.

Danny Kincaid

Finding Community

“When I come to the Center, I get family. In class, I make new friends. The Center has done so much for me, and I’m so happy.

Denise Kinanso

“Today, I’m everything.”

“The Center changed my life. It made me strong. It made me trust myself and believe in myself. I am thankful for the safety here.”

Hala Taha: Distribution Floor Specialist

Degree Achieved!

“The POP Scholarship was amazing. It completely paid for my associate degree. It also provided wrap-around coverage for food distribution, internet access, and gas vouchers to go back and forth from Milford. Every little bit helped. 


Joseph Rott

What’s Your Story?

For 20 years, the Center for People has been touched by many in our community. In 2024, we are actively reaching out to gather those stories.
What’s your connection to the Center for People?
When did you have your first experience with us? Where are you now? We want to know!
As we collect these stories, we look forward to sharing them with our larger community, celebrating successes, taking stock of our past, and moving toward our bright tomorrow.